Good bye, eMusic – Hello, Amazon MP3
Lat night, I bought my first album of DRM-free MP3s off of Amazon MP3. Reasonable price ($.89/track; $8.99/album), easy purchase and download experience (it puts the tracks directly into iTunes after download), and DRM-free MP3s. What’s not to love?
This morning, I canceled my eMusic subscription. I’ve really enjoyed finding new music on eMusic, but lately it felt like a monthly chore to find 90 tracks that I might like, listen to them all, rate them, etc. And now that I can buy DRM-free MP3s competitively to Apple’s DRM-laden iTunes Music Store, I think I’ll switch back to buying less music that I know I like for a while.
Hasta la vista, iTunes Music Store
Oh, and it warms my heart to see DRM finally losing out due to market pressure. People DO care about controlling the stuff they own.