Another bird

We have a greenbelt and small creek directly behind our house. I caught this magnificent specimen out there earlier today trying to catch its lunch.

Spring morning photos

This morning, there was a light fog over the greenbelt behind our house, so I went out to take some photos. I got one decent photo with fog, but I also ran across some wildflowers and saw that the yellow-crested night heron was back again.

Yellow-crowned night heron

We just had two days of rain here in Central Texas, and I spotted this guy in the creek next to our house after the rain. He was gracious enough to stick around while I took photos.

Yellow-crowned night heron

Sunrise in Pflugerville

We live in a low spot in our neighborhood, so we don’t have very clear views of sunrises and sunsets. I saw this sunrise on January 9 and ran out into the greenbelt behind the house to capture it as best as I could. On review, I found that it was a much better composition than I thought.

Pflugerville sunset

I got a new camera last year, so I’ve been watching the winter sunsets and caught this one about a week ago. I don’t have the best places to catch sunset photos nearby, but this is not too bad

Sunset in Pflugerville, Texas