Guy Kawasaki offers twelve skills “students should learn in order to prepare for the real world after graduation.” They are:

  1. How to talk to your boss
  2. How to survive a meeting that’s poorly run
  3. How to run a meeting
  4. How to figure out anything on your own
  5. How to negotiate
  6. How to have a conversation
  7. How to explain something in thirty seconds
  8. How to write a one-page report
  9. How to write a five-sentence email
  10. How to get along with co-workers
  11. How to use PowerPoint
  12. How to leave a voicemail

(Go read the entire blog post for Guy’s comments on each item)
I don’t think that these skills should be explicitly taught in college, but I agree that they are valuable career skills.
For the record, I hate it when people refer to ‘the real world’ vs. college. It tells a lot about the speaker though.

Categories: Professional